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Yoga Poses for Children: 5 Easy Yoga Positions to Help them Relax and Improve Their Physical Health

Yoga Poses for Children

Do you want to give your child a great start in life? Yoga is an excellent choice for children! Yoga has many benefits, including improving the physical health of children. This post will go through 10 easy yoga poses for kids that are perfect for beginners. These poses can provide some much-needed relaxation and help them develop coordination skills too! We also have information on how each pose can be beneficial to their well-being.

Benefits of Yoga for Kids:

Yoga for kids can be beneficial in many ways. Here are a few of the many benefits that yoga has to offer.

1) Yoga improves coordination and balance. Young children need these skills as they grow up to do things like play sports, ride bikes, and more. This pose will help them develop those skills!

2) Yoga improves sleep patterns. As any parent knows, getting your kids to sleep is a daily struggle (sigh). Yoga can help your child fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer by calming them down.

3) Yoga increases the flexibility of your child’s spine. Stopping early signs of scoliosis means an easier journey through life for your little one!

4) Yoga reduces stress levels. Kids are under a lot of pressure these days, and yoga can help them manage that better!

5) Yoga improves focus. It’s so important for kids to stay focused, and yoga can help them do that!

5 Easy Yoga Positions to Help them Relax and Improve Their Physical Health

Yoga is one of the best things you can do for your child. Here are 10 easy poses to get them started. These poses only take 5-10 minutes and can help your child release stress, feel more grounded, and develop coordination skills too.

1. Tadasana or Mountain Pose:

Mountain pose is a great beginner’s yoga position, and it has many physical benefits. It stretches the spine in backbends, which can help improve posture. Mountain pose also strengthens your lower body by improving balance and stability- remember to focus on standing up straight with long arms!

Benefits: Keeps you grounded; improves concentration; Strengthens the spine

What You Need: A mat or other flooring surfaces – anything that will give you a little cushioning for your knees if they are very low to ground level

How To Do This Pose? Stand tall with feet together at hips-width apart. Take deep breaths to get comfortable before starting this simple stretch. Bring hands down so palms face outwards (like “praying”), then bring them overhead into a “T” shape. Press your palms together and bring them overhead, making sure to keep elbows straight as you do so. Stretch arms out towards the sides of your mat or flooring surface for balance- this will also help stretch shoulders too! Hold mountain pose for 30 seconds before taking a deep breath in and relaxing with hands-on-hips (at stomach level).

2. Virabhadrasana II or Warrior Pose:

Warrior pose is another pose that is perfect for beginners. It can help kids improve their balance as well as strengthen their arms, legs, and back. Warrior poses are usually done in pairs and you will want to make sure they’re doing it on both sides!

Benefits: Improves balance; Strengthens core muscles; Improves concentration

What You Need: A mat or other flooring surfaces – anything that will give you a little cushioning for your knees if they are very low to ground level

How To Do This Pose? Stand with your feet together at hips-width apart. Turn right foot towards the front of the mat and left foot out to the side. Hands should be down at hips with palms facing inwards. Bend the right knee so it is directly over the ankle and the left leg remains straight. Bring hands together at chest or head to a comfortable position, then stretch arms out in front of you with palms up – this will help you balance! Hold Virabhadrasana II for 30 seconds before switching sides if desired (or just holding on to one side).

3. Vrksasana or Tree Pose:

Tree pose is a very simple and fun pose that can help your child release deep-seated tension in their back. This one should be done with care, as it does involve balancing on the hands!

Benefits: Improves balance; Relaxes muscles in the lower back

What You Need: A mat or other flooring surfaces – anything that will give you a little cushioning for your knees if they are very low to ground level

How To Do This Pose? Begin by standing tall with feet together at hips-width apart. Get down onto all fours so elbows are bent into 90-degree angles and palms face forward against the mat (or surface). Place toes of right foot outside heel of left leg, then place soles of both feet together. Next, place hands on the mat and slowly lift your right foot off of the ground to balance on toes with your left arm up in a tree pose! Hold Vrksasana for 30 seconds before coming down into Child Pose (you can do this by sitting back onto your heels or if you’re more advanced, just lying flat).

4. Balasana or Child Pose:

Child pose is a relaxing and gentle way towards finish off this sequence. It will help loosen any tightness in your back, hips, and neck while also relieving stress (especially for little ones!).

Benefits: Relaxes muscles in the lower back; Releases tension throughout the body

What You Need: A mat or other flooring surfaces – anything that will give you a little cushioning for your knees if they are very low to ground level

How To Do This Pose? Start by kneeling on the mat with feet together at hip-width apart. Sit backward so buttocks come down onto heels as arms stretch out in front of them and hands rest palm-up on either side of the waist. Bend elbows 90 degrees so upper arm bones meet the ground or are as close to it as possible, and make sure your forehead is touching the mat. Lower hips down if they need more stability (or keep them up for a deeper stretch). Hold Balasana for 30 seconds before coming back into Child Pose with hands on either side of waist then stand up slowly again.

5. Sukhasana or Easy Pose:

After Balasana, Sukhasana is a perfect way to finish off this sequence. It will help your child release tension and relax their entire body after all of the exercises!

Benefits: Relaxes muscles in the lower back; Releases stress

What You Need: A mat or other flooring surfaces – anything that will give you a little cushioning for your knees if they are very low to ground level

How To Do This Pose? Start by sitting on edge of the mat with legs crossed at ankles (or wherever feels comfortable). Sit tall, with the spine as long as possible, then rest hands-on thighs palms-downwards towards the upper thigh. Close eyes and focus on breathing deeply from the nose while being mindful of what’s around them (nothing should be a distraction). Hold Sukhasana for 2-3 minutes and then slowly open your eyes.

We understand that as a parent, you want the best for your child. You’ve entrusted us with their care and we are committed to providing a safe, nurturing, and welcoming environment which facilitates the healthy growth and development of the “WHOLE” child. At The Champions Academy Day Care Center in Edmonton, our mission is not just about childcare – it’s about helping each individual reach their potential by focusing on 4 Core areas – Mind, Body Soul & Personality. Contact us at 587-454-5505 if you would like more information or have any questions!

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