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Top 10 tips to keep kids healthy

Fyodor Dostoyevsky rightly said that ‘the soul is healed by children.’ Needless to say, kids are an absolute delight to be around, and their jovial laughter and pure innocence can light up even the gloomiest rooms. Unfortunately, however, the charm and adorability of tiny tods are complemented by rather pesky qualities such as being mischievous and picky-eaters.

It goes without saying that disciplining children with a proper and nutritious diet and a feasible and healthy routine can be a derilious task. Therefore, even under utmost vigilance, it is common to find kids falling ill or becoming weak. However, if you are a new parent with a growing child, some tips, additional assistance, and guidance can go a long way in keeping the kids healthy.

So, without further ado, let us examine the top 10 tips to ensure that your children are as healthy as a horse.


1. A Natural and Balanced Diet

Although it might seem like a generic inclusion, we cannot stress enough on the importance of a nutritious and balanced diet for children. A proper diet helps improve children’s health and boosts their immunity. However, we are aware that children can be fussy eaters, but with some wit and smartness, the problem can be solved. For instance, you can follow up on kid-friendly recipes from YouTube channels, Instagram content creators, and more. In addition, you do not need to force children to eat all the greens in the world, but offering a few bites is a good way to start. Likewise, avoid giving them processed food as they contain loads of sugar, sodium, and calories that can make your child sick. You can consider including the following things in your child’s diet –

  • Proteins – They contribute to brain development and immunity boosting for kids. Lentils, white chicken, tofu, and eggs are great protein sources.

  • Basil and Mint – They fend off colds, coughs, dental problems, and kidney stones.

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables – They are brimming with essential vitamins and minerals. For instance, watermelon is an excellent source of potassium, and oranges are a great source of vitamin C.

  • Whole grains

  • Pasteurized milk – It contains essential minerals and proteins mandated for a healthy development

  • Fiber-rich foods

2. Reduce Sugar Intake

You should avoid offering foods with high sugar content to kids, especially those under the age of two. Overeating sugary food can lead to tooth decay, stomach issues, and even diabetes. Extra sugar in the body can prevent calcium absorption, which can lead to brittle bones.

3. Make Sure that the Kids are Hydrated

Needless to say, drinking is no fun for kids. However, it is of utmost importance that they drink plenty of water and liquids to keep their body hydrated. A significant chunk of the human body is made of water, which plays a pivotal role in bodily functions such as excretion, lubrication of joints, protection of sensitive tissues, and more. Thus, children should have adequate water to regulate their temperature and dodge health problems like constipation and kidney stones. Experts opine that two liters of water per day are required for children older than eight years. The straightforward rule is to teach your child to choose water instead of any other beverage whenever they feel thirsty.

4. Follow the Frequent Meal Rule

You can break your child’s three big meals of the day into multiple small servings or portions per your preference. The method is excellent if your child is a fussy eater. Remember to break the meals into small plates at regular intervals. For instance, instead of a large breakfast, you can break it into two small meals in the morning.

5. Avoid the Clean Plate Rule

The clean plate rule is a breeding ground for eating disorders after the child grows up. Children often eat based on their hunger pangs and the sensation of being full. Compelling a child to clean their plate could lead to overeating. In addition, parents who reward their children with a dessert or some other lure after a clean plate may unknowingly cause the child to develop unhealthy eating habits. The key is to provide kids with plenty of food choices and allow them to pick what they are willing to try to eat. Guide them to decide on their intake capacity.

6. Encourage Physical Activity

Studies show that teenagers nowadays spend a jarring nine to seven hours each day in front of the television or smartphone. An increased screen time implies a sedentary lifestyle leading to excess weight gain. Thus, you should limit your child’s screen time from an early age and encourage at least an hour of physical activity per day. The activities can be simple, like cycling, treasure hunt, indoor hopscotch, skipping, and more.

7. Keep Cold and Flu at Bay

Teach your child basic hygiene such as handwashing, covering their mouths before sneezing, eating properly cooked food, and more. Kids are susceptible to illnesses like flu and cold, and thus it is imperative to be extra vigilant with them. 

8. Make Sure that the Child Gets Enough Sleep

Your child should get optimal sleep, which is pertinent for healthy growth and development. You should help your child carve out a feasible routine and encourage them to go to bed early and rise early. Children between six and 12 years need 9-12 hours of night sleep, while teenagers between 13 and 18 need 8-10 hours of sleep per night. Such habits early on in life will allow them to follow through later as adults. 

9. Oral Hygiene

Children may find it boring to brush their teeth and floss after a meal. But dental hygiene is of utmost importance. You should encourage your child to brush twice daily, floss every meal, and use a kid-friendly mouthwash. Lastly, regular check-ups with the dentist are essential.

10. Be the Role Model

Lastly, children are like wet cement; anything that falls on them leaves an impression. Therefore, as a parent or a guardian, you should be a role model for your child. Make sure you set an excellent example by waking up early and eating healthy foods.

So, there we have it, the top ten tips to keep children healthy.

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