Single-most important reason to send your children to our daycare in Edmonton is that they simply love it here!
Whereas a lot of daycare centers in Edmonton are licensed, Our Edmonton daycare center is licensed as well as accredited. The govt accreditation process demands better and stringent standards to follow. It ensures that you are sending your child at a daycare and childcare which is as good as home!
We have age appropriate rooms allocated to children. Our facility is brand new and is designed for the purpose. It is centrally located and is well reachable.
We are accredited to intake children of age 0 to 12 years. It means if you have two children needing daycare and have age difference in them, you can actually use our daycare for both of them.
All our staff is certified. The necessary checks are done before the staff is hired. We know it is of paramount importance to hire the right and qualified staff for your children.
Children fully enjoy our balanced indoor and outdoor activities.
We believe in overall development of the child. Our focus is very balanced for mind, body, soul and personality growth of the child. Our curriculum fully reflects that.
We offer online and offline child registration in our daycare for your inconvenience. If you prefer paper application; now you can download it from offline registration form page in pdf or word format. If you prefer all application process online, visit our online registration page.
Unlike many other daycare websites in Edmonton, we securely process your complete online registration application on our website and do not link you to another website to fulfill the data regarding you and your child. All tour requests are also processed securely on our website only and no third party service provider is involved.
For requesting a tour; visit our tour our facility tool online.
There are many more reasons that our daycare will suit your needs in Edmonton. For example; open door policy, family involvement; competitive fee structure and so on.
Read more about them here
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